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3 bits of news!

DRIVE will be starting back up again in early September

I have a plan to get rid of the schedule interruptions for DRIVE: Patreon.

As you know, DRIVE continually takes in on the chin, schedule-wise. I love this story so much — it’s my favorite among all my projects — but it’s not really income-earning. So, in the real world of making a living, it takes a back seat to Sheldon and Stripped. But with Patreon, you could genuinely become a patron of the strip. It’s a win-win: I’ll be able to block out the time the strip deserves, and you’ll be getting more and better updates as a result. More details on that in the weeks ahead when I launch the Patreon page: I’ve gotta record the ol’ Patreon video, first!

For the FIRST TIME EVER, I’m coming to Salt Lake City, giving out free sketches at the huge new Comic Con, Sept 4-6! I’ll of course be bringing all the Drive books, Sheldon books, and the Stripped DVDs and posters. But what I’m really bringing? …Is friendship.

I know there’s a lot of Drive readers in and around SLC, so I really really want to ask you to come out! This would be a fun show to come back to year after year, and you can make that happen! Vote with your feet and come say hi! (To sweeten the pot, there’s a FREE SCREENING of my film Stripped for all SLCC attendees, on Saturday at noon.)

Get your convention pass now, and see you in SLC!