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A 2009 Thank You

Today, I had the fun opportunity to teach comics at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles: I mention it only because it was my last appearance for 2009.

Counting them up, I made eleven appearances around the U.S. in 2009. And in flipping through photos of each, I’m struck by how thankful I am to everyone who came out with high-fives and hugs and kind words at each event.

I’m mindful, every day, of how blessed I am to have a job like this. It’s a rare and wonderful thing. But one of the best parts of the job is getting to meet you in places like Miami, Seattle, San Diego, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Baltimore. You make one little cartoonist feel friendship and camaraderie in far-flung cities across the map. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Thank you.