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And now for something completely different…

Writing and drawing “Sheldon” is one of the great joys of my life. It’s a strip I will create until my dyin’ days. But for a while now, I’ve had an idea for a second strip that I’d like to do, and it’s something very different: A long-form, long-in-the-telling, sci-fi strip. And if you’ll indulge me, today will be the first dip of a toe into that world.

It’s a bit of a long yarn, and I frankly don’t know where I’ll find the time to tell it. But as I often tell young cartoonists, sometimes you have to just start. So much is lost in life due to an inability to start. To take that first, molasses-like step into a new project. And so even though I have no time for it, and even though I have no website for it, and even though I don’t have a proper title for it, and even though I’m not sure when/where/if it will have the chance to appear…by God I’m starting it.

We’ll flit on Conradito’s life for a bit here in the prologue, then be off a few hundred years further in the future for the duration. This first page in the prologue makes it seem a tad serious, but pay that no mind. It’ll primarily be a comedy.

My plan, such as it is, will be to create installments on Saturdays when and where I can find the time. We might have several Saturdays in a row where we dive into this strip, or we might have several months where it doesn’t appear at all. But a start is good enough for Present-Day Dave. Tomorrow is a problem for Future Dave to worry about.

Thanks, as always, for reading!