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Arlington, Virginia Appearance! Feb. 13-15

Heads up for Virginians, Washingtonians (of the “DC” variety) and east coasters in general: I’ll be appearing as a special guest at Katsucon
along with my Halfpixel stablemates Brad Guigar and Kris Straub.

The show runs at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA from February 13-15, 2009.

For all three days of the convention, I’ll be giving out free, personalized sketches…and will of course have all five Sheldon collections, the “Pug” and “How To Make Webcomics” books, shirts, Glornaks, and copious high-fives. I’ll also have Sheldon Original Art, so if there was one strip you had your eye on, make sure to e-mail me to ensure I bring *that* one. The Original Art will be at the convention price of 25 smackers off. (Dollars, not kisses.)

I’ll also be appearing on two web-focused panels while there:

SAT, 10-11 AM: “Print, Web, or Both: What Should a Comic Artist
Do?”, and…

SUN 11-12 PM “How To Make Money
While Giving Your Content Away Free”

The Halfpixel guys and I were hoping to talk at American University while we were there, but it looks like that won’t pan out. So! If you have an college art or web program, and would like us to come talk while we’re there, drop me a line. (Here’s what other folks have said about past talks of ours.)