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Baltimore Comic-Con! This Weekend!

Baltimorians! Baltimorites! Baltimoroccans! People who live in Baltimore…!

This Saturday and Sunday, I’ll be at Baltimore Comic-Con along with my fellow Halfpixel cartoonists Brad, Scott and Kris.

I’ll be giving out the Super-Limited Commemorative Baltimore High-Fives that we special-ordered, along with everything you see here:

Two special things to note:

1.) If you were hoping to buy a Sheldon Original Art at the special convention price of $25-off, PLEASE E-MAIL ME with the specific one you want, to make sure I bring that one along.

2.) Also! We have 15 of the Artist Decision Tree posters left over from San Diego Comic-Con…so I’ll be bringing those along as well. Snag yours early!