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Bonus! Double the # of DRIVE strips!

Guys, for the next four weeks, you have the sci-fi-lovin’ folks at Star Pirates to thank: There’ll be two DRIVE strips every week! One on Wednesday, and one on Saturday!

Creating DRIVE has always been a labor of love for me: Whenever I can squeeze in time to create the strip, I go for it. But usually, that’s added up to just one a week. Since I have to go with what pays the rent, Sheldon tends to get the bulk of my time and focus.

But like you, the folks at Star Pirates were jonesing for more DRIVE, and asked if they could sponsor the site for the whole month to get more of the strip. And who am I to say no to out-of-the-blue generosity?

So while you’re enjoying the double-dose of DRIVE, give the Star Pirates game a go! It’s an in-browser space MMO you can play anywhere for free. See, you’re a star pirate where you can eke out a living mining the asteroids, raid other players’ ships for cargo, or team up for fleet-on-fleet combat!

You can even play as La Familia…which I think is prit-ty rad.