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Book Recommedation: Kazu Kibuishi’s “Amulet”

Amid all my chatter about “How To Make Webcomics”, I’ve been very remiss in not mentioning the most beautifully illustrated book to come along in years:
Kazu Kibuishi’s new work “Amulet”.

I drove out to Alhambra last week for Kazu’s book launch — and had a great time. Looking up close at his (gorgeous!) working drafts hanging in the art gallery, and chatting over his labor-intensive process for arriving at his final illustrations was a wonderful way to spend a night. Kazu is easily among the best illustrators alive — and this book the best expression yet of his talent.

If you’re a parent, a librarian, or even have a pulse, you’ll want to pick up “Amulet.” It’s a wonderful young adult story that all ages are sure to love. You won’t be disappointed.