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Check it out: Dave’s Favorite from *THIS DAY* in the Archives!

Pals! Here’s my favorite Sheldon comic from THIS DAY IN 2021! 

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DANTE, a kid in a blue baseball hat and green shirt, leans in to a room, pointing dramatically at ARTHUR, a yellow duck sitting a table, leaning over his phone with aggressive emojis and a dark cloud above his head.
DANTE: “DOOMSCROLLER! We gotta doomscroller, here!”

DANTE leans on the table, FLACO the green lizard and OSO the pug peak out behind him. SHELDON, a kid in an orange shirt, dramatically yells, while pickles sits on the back of ARTHUR’s chair. ARTHUR continues to doom scroll wit his dark cloud swirls above him.
DANTE: “Oh no! He’s so glum!”
SHELDON: “Quick! Get him to the bathroom!”

SHELDON and DANTE carry ARTHUR above their heads. ARTHUR looks stunned, his dark cloud streaming behind him as they carry him.
ARTHUR: “Only a puppy bath can fix this!”
DANTE: “A puppy bath!”

SHELDON dumps a basket of puppies in to a bathtub. The puppies peak out over the side looking cute and happy and excited. ARTHUR peaks out amongst the puppies, looking a little stunned.
ARTHUR: “I mean, I don’t hate it.”

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