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For those of you who read and enjoy my scifi strip DRIVE, I have a request of you: Today I’m officially launching a Patreon page for DRIVE, and I’d like your support. It’s HUGE news for that strip…and here’s why:

DRIVE started as a personal passion-project that I’d do on free nights or weekends. I’d draw it in my free time, and that would be that.

But as the story grew, thousands of folks got super passionate for the strip! And they didn’t want to wait until I had “free time” — they wanted regular updates now!

So I’m gonna use Patreon to change that equation. Patreon will let me dedicate more of my work-week to DRIVE, which means regular updates.

HERE’S HOW PATREON WORKS: For every strip update, you’re pledging to give a tiny amount: Pennies, really. But taken as a group, that support lets me block out the time the strip deserves, and results in more DRIVE.

Be a patron of the arts, and support the strip…HERE! (http://www.patreon.com/drive)

Edited to add: I’ve had two people message me, all excited about the joke at the end of the video. To clarify: I am not actually writing the adventure at the end of the video.

Edited to add: OR AM I.

Edited to add: No. No, I am not.