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Drive in 2016

DRIVE readers: I’m making a huge pivot in my career in 2016, to put more emphasis on DRIVE…and I’m asking for your support.

If you love DRIVE, and love where the story is going…but haven’t yet supported DRIVE on Patreon, now is the time. Take a second and kick in at the 25-cents level (type “.25” into the pledge box). At that level, you won’t even notice the tiny credit card charge. BUT: If a few hundred of you do it, your direct support of the strip will make a huge difference to DRIVE in 2016.

AS A BENEFIT TO YOU: You”ll get access to all the behind-the-scenes artist commentary and images, early first-looks at every strip, and the awesome, friendly reader’s-comments-section that I devote a lot of time to. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing YOU’VE MADE THE COMIC POSSIBLE.
Here’s how your Patreon support helps:
1.) Right now, DRIVE has a schedule of two strips a week: One from me, and one “Tales of the Drive” strip from a guest artist. That’s been AMAZING, but you and I are both clamoring for more. But for me to up my DRIVE output, I need to reduce my output –and income — on my strip SHELDON. Which is where DRIVE’s Patreon comes in: Your support fills that gap.
2.) I’d really, really want to produce a beautiful, slick, fun-to-read collection of “DRIVE: Act 1”. It’ll include the entire run from the first strip, to when the Machito leaves the planet Slaughter. Your Patreon support helps me devote the time to edit and lay it out.
3.) There are a ton of side improvements I want to make to the DRIVE archives, the site, the new Wiki, and more: And your Patreon support will make all that possible.

If you’re not familiar with Patreon: Watch the video, below, then click through [HERE] to support the strip!

And thank you!