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Emerald City Comic-Con

Seattle’s Emerald City Comic-Con, having come and gone like some magical fairy-tale ride of high-fives, is left now only to memory. I have to say, it was probably the most fun I’ve ever had at any single convention…and that’s sayin’ something.

Huge, huge thanks to the many hundreds of Sheldonistas who came out for the show, of whom I remembered to snap pics of but a few dozen (Click the thumbnails to see accompanying commentary). You guys made this show a whirlwind of awesomeness for me, and really made me feel at home in Seattle. Thank you for that!

Thanks, also, to the convention organizers, who had invited me out as a “Guest of House”, but who in fact made me feel like a King o’ the House, what with the bedside, single-touch, window-shade switch in my hotel room. Nothing says “You live in a Fancy, Buck Rogers Future like a bedside, single-touch, window-shade switch.” I am clearly a child, as I hit that switch a good six times, just to watch it go.

Special thanks also go out to Wil Shipley for throwing an awesome dinner party on Saturday night to honor the cartoonists behind Sheldon, Starslip, PvP, Evil Inc, and Penny Arcade. In addition to being an awesome developer, Wil throws one heck of a shindig. Thanks, Wil!

Based solely on the content of our strips, I never thought I and the Penny Arcade guys could muster more than a suspicious glance at one another. Two strips have never been less alike, and my social radar had just assumed we’d have nothing in common. But at Saturday’s soiree, Jerry and I had a great talk about fatherhood — and I have to say he’s a solid dude all around.

Lastly, my apologies to all the Sheldonistas who came out on Sunday and couldn’t get a book: We sold out of all our stock around 11:30 on Sunday morning…and the best I could do was supplement with hugs and well wishes. (Which, I think it’s fair to say, did NOT compensate.) Rest assured, though, that I am now duly warned about the level of Sheldon fandom in the Northwest, and will ship a few hundred extra books up the next time I go to Emerald City!

But overall: The weather was perfect, the Sheldonistas were more than awesome, the laughter of my Halfpixel stablemates was infectious, and the overall convention was just radness personified.

Thank you, again, to all who came out!