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First-Ever Sheldon Painting

Those of you who follow Twitter know I’ve jumped back into oil painting, after ten years away from it. And I thought I’d offer up this painting to someone who might like it: It’s the first-ever Sheldon-themed painting!

Painted in oils on a 12″ x 12″ canvas, this first one is a Flaco portrait, showing everyone’s favorite lizard in full-on, super-excited “Squee”-mode. And what wall couldn’t benefit from a little extra “squee”? We’ve tested it in 6 or 7 rooms, and it turns out that yeah, totally, *any* wall could benefit from it. 🙂

Ready for framing, this painting is also edged in red, in case you prefer frameless wall-hangings.

Will be packed safe within protective paper, sealed plastic, and cushioning…and will be shipped via U.S. Priority Mail or International Priority Mail.

The proud owner can request a personalized inscription on the back, should they choose.

If you’d like to see a larger shot of it, click HERE. And if you’d like to throw your name in the hat for it, click HERE.