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Free Books!

For everyone who’s planning on getting some Sheldon Original Art as a Christmas gift for a loved one (or to treat themselves!), here’s some fun news:

Between now and Christmas, any purchase of Sheldon Original Art comes with a free book of your choice! Grab your favorite strip, and get a little extra sum-sum!

To snag the Original Art for your favorite strip, just navigate to it in the
archives, then click the blue “Buy Today’s Original Art” button directly underneath the comic. Then — wazam — the artwork and a free book are yours!


Totally unrelated followup for folks who saw the “season ender” of Heroes: Isn’t it ridiculously weird to watch the writers try to desperately wrap up 10-episodes-worth of storylines in one show? It was like Dostoyevsky getting halfway through “Brothers Karamazov” and saying “You know what…this book is starting to run too long. Let’s just have all the brothers grab a beer together and wrap it up with a joke. There’s too much angst over their dad.”