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Free Shipping…Worldwide!

Good news! From now until June 1st, there’s free shipping to anywhere in the world on Sheldon Original Art!

New York? Free! London? Free! Deepest Siberia? Free!

As you know, every Sheldon strip is hand-drawn and hand-lettered on acid-free Bristol Vellum paper, using archival inks…so they’re crying out to be displayed on walls. For dramatic purposes, let me use all caps for that: GUYS, THEY’RE CRYING OUT FOR IT. 🙂

Anyway! Underneath every Sheldon strip on the website is a bit of blue text that reads “Buy Today’s Original Art.” So if there’s a strip you’ve had your eye on, that’s the button to click. And when you do: BLAM-O, free shipping.

Looking for a specific strip? Try using the site’s search feature to type in keywords or punchlines from that strip. Or, barring that, drop me an e-mail to ask me directly!