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Today’s strip is not the first foray Sheldon has had into the German language.

In fact, two of my favorite Sheldon strips involve German:

1.) The best Batman strip I’ve ever done, and…

2.) A wonderfully odd take on English-speakers’ mis-pronunciation/mis-translation of “fünf” (…which eventually turned into a runner here, and

While on the subject of Germany, I should mention my favorite Germany-related memory:

About three years ago, when I was still working for Mattel, I was in Germany for the Nürnberg Toy Fair. While on a break, I stumbled on a *fantastic*, three-story comic book shop in the city center. I had about 3 hours to burn for sightseeing, and ended up spending them all reading German comics at
Ultra Comix.

But! The greatest moment of all, the moment that still gets me excited, is this: I walked into the “American Comics” section, and saw two (TWO!) copies of “Pure Ducky Goodness”! It…was…awesome.

But it gets better: the good folks at Ultra Comix, when they found out I was the author, made me an endless series of espressos at their in-store coffee stand, and we talked shop and laughed for an hour or so.

So! If you live in or around Nürnberg, head over to Ultra Comix, and tell ’em Dave sent ya!

Oh! Also! Here’s the only dopey picture I could find from that day…