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Happy New Year!

Hope you had/will have/are having/will have come to have a great New Year’s. I’m still not sure what I’m doing to ring in the new year. My wife and I are realizing we’re getting older and more content when “tea” sounds like a great option.

My 21-year old self would probably punch me in the teeth for even typing that.

As for Sheldon…good things are coming for the strip in the new year. A third (and possibly fourth) Sheldon book will be coming out…I’ll be adding some fun new stuff to the site…and there may even be a new “companion” strip added to the lineup. But more news on all that in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, I’ll leave you with this challenge: what interesting word possibilities did Arthur miss in jumbling up “resolution”? I’d be curious to see what folks can come up with.