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Home Safe ‘n Sound from Comic-Con!

I’m home from San Diego Comic-Con, and it might just have been my favorite Comic-Con ever. Sheldon and Drive readers showed up in numbers I’ve never seen before (…it kinda blew me away a little).

I’ll complete a big write-up about the show later with pictures…but I wanted to mention a few quick things:

1.) If you have any pictures from SDCC that we took together, please e-mail them to me! It’s fun to share those on the blog.

2.) If you were hoping to snag the huge original art to the 3,000th Sheldon strip, you have about an hour left to try…so head on over!

3.) Today’s strip is a little too real to life: Every once in a while, our pug looks intensely concerned about some major world issue. Like only he can solve it, if he just thinks hard enough about it. Which, now that I think about it…is kind of a worrying thought for the rest of us.