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Interview Time

Every once in a while a podcast will invite me on for an interview about “Sheldon”…but I’ve rarely had as in-depth or enjoyable an interview as the one I recorded with “Art & Story“.

My portion starts at the 10-minute mark, so skip the exposition at the front, if you’d like. Here are some of the topics we covered in the chat:

– How do I create “Sheldon”?

– What’s the point of the strip? Why do I do it?

– What’s more important in cartooning: The art or the writing?

– How does an artist piece together their “style”?

– What’s the tone of “Sheldon”? Optimistic toward the world? Cynical?

– Looking at how Arthur Conan Doyle originally composed “Sherlock Holmes” in episodic updates, what can we learn for longer-form comics online?

– Why did I/we write “How To Make Webcomics”?