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Los Angeles! This Weekend!

Quick heads up: This weekend I’ll be at the LA Times Festival of Books: Giving out free sketches, signin’ books, high-fivin’ passers-by, and just generally enjoying the gorgeous 75-degree days.

I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday with my friend David Malki of Wondermark fame! We’re at booth #871, which is really central to the whole, huge affair…so hopefully you can’t miss us. I’ll have all the books, posters, and $25-off all Sheldon original art. Oooh, but do drop me an e-mail if there’s a specific original you want me to bring out (as I can’t bring all 3,000 strips).

The Festival is outdoors at USC, and features pretty much every author you’ve ever heard of. So it’s worth coming out for a whole host of non-Sheldon-related reasons, too. So come on out!