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Monday’s Strip: The NCS Reuben Weekend

For those interested, here are links (in order) for all the cartoonists appearing in today’s journal comic:

Panel 1:
Myself, Randall Munroe of xkcd, and Kate Beaton of Hark! A Vagrant

Panel 2:
Kris Straub of F Chords, Scott Kurtz of
PvP and Jeff Keane of
The Family Circus.

Panel 3:
Sandra Boynton of everyone’s golden childhood, and then there’s me again, laughing at Sandy’s jokes.

Panel 4:
Me, the talented Scott C, Rodd Perry of Brevity, and the always kind Richard Thompson of Cul de Sac.

Panel 5:
Me and a creeped-out Bill Amend of Foxtrot.

Panel 6:
Glen Keane of “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty & the Beast,” “Tangled,” and more. Then, Kate Beaton of Hark! A Vagrant, Kris Straub of Starslip, Scott Kurtz of
PvP, Scott C, and me.

A huge thank you to the NCS board and membership for the kind invite out to talk, to Universal Press Syndicate for the hospitality — and for the warm welcome to all us youngin’s over the course of the weekend. It was nothing but lovely.