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My Last Blog Post!

School is starting soon, which unfortunately means the end of my internship here at “Sheldon”.

To round off the summer, I went to the “Pugs: God’s Little Weirdos” book-launch party. I felt so LA sitting there in that swanky lounge with low lighting. Except instead of it being exclusive and pretentious, there was an incredible warmth present. It was so exciting to see and meet the readers that came out. I’ve noticed the dynamic between Dave and his fans is an interesting one. People aren’t necessarily infatuated or weird: The interaction seemed like it was among friends.

Dave’s family was present as well. I especially liked Dave’s mom, who recognized me immediately from across the room to mouth to me “I’ve read your blog!” That was so cute.

The book party was definitely a fun night, especially to celebrate the final product when I had seen the book in all its earlier forms. Meeting new people and drinking “The Pugly” were fabulous ways to end the night.

I can not even begin to say how thankful I am for this experience over the past three months. It’s been an incredible summer and I’m leaving with more knowledge and experience than I had before. To all the Sheldonistas: Thank you for welcoming me into the comic world with open arms, I hope to visit it often. And a huge thanks to Dave, who has shown me that the “best things in life are squee!”