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New York Recap / Book Update

This past week was one of the happiest of my creative life.

Taking this play to the New York stage — and hanging out in NYC all week with a funny and far-more-talented-than-I group of actors — was something I’m going to hold on to for a long, long time. To put it mildly, actors are fun to hang out with. You laugh a lot, hanging out with actors. Far more so than cartoonists. Just by way of comparison: actors are extroverted to the extreme, whereas most cartoonists are so shy, they end up marrying the first person that smooches them. Which, in some cases, means their mail carrier.

In any case, the play was absolutely exhilirating, and I was stoked to have so many Sheldon readers come out to see the show — including a pair who flew all the way from Washington, DC! Thankfully, everyone had glowing praise about the show — which is something you don’t take for granted in the capital of US theater. So a huge thank you to the Sheldonistas for comin’ out!

….and one final tidbit of news from New York trip:

The final tweaks were maade to the next Sheldon book, which means it’s zooming off to the printers sometime in the next few days. The book is looking really good, and will include the Coffee Cup Lid Challenge, an expanded version of the Flaco-to-Space Saturday Storyline, every single strip drawn since the last book…and will even include some strips we couldn’t fit in the last book. It’s gonna be awesome.

(Look for more news on the book in the next Sheldon newsletter!)