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News from San Diego

We’re heading into Day 4 of San Diego Comic-Con, and so far the show has been pretty darn fantastic.

Many a Sheldonista has come up to claim their Limited Edition, 2008 Commemorative High Five. One Sheldonista asked if it came with a Stamp of Authenticity, and I said “Yes, if by Authenticity you mean Self-Evident Awesomeness.”

I’ve also been giving out free sketches like a mad fiend. The best sketch requests (in terms of randomness) have been the A-bomb character from the long-ago ‘Crotchley Labs’ strip, the Texan with the 40-gallon hat, and Flaco in the Siberian hinterlands. I love it: Please make sure you get a free sketch if you’re here. It’s the least I can do to thank you for readin’ Sheldon.

The manatee shirts went like wildfire: we only have L and XL sizes left. Which means we’ll probably bow to popular demand and bring them into the store later this summer.

More news later, but in the meantime: Thanks to everyone who’s come by and said “hi”!