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Now Playing: Sheldon-By-Email!

I’m happy to report that Sheldon-By-Email deliveries have started. Now you can enjoy the daily strip, the daily blog, and all your favorite site links… delivered right to your inbox.

Folks have been e-mailing me all day letting me know how happy they were when they got their first strip this morning. Thanks for that. And if, by chance, you didn’t receive your Sheldon e-mail this morning, check out these helpful tidbits…

Q: I don’t seem to be getting my Sheldon e-mail. What up with that?

A: It’s most likely being flagged as spam by your mail filters. Take a minute to go through your filters and take Sheldon out of the “baddies” list…it shouldn’t be in there!

Q: I signed up, but have never received the daily delivery. What gives?

A: Did you click on the link in the confirmation e-mail? If not, that’s probably what’s holding up the works. Or, if you did confirm your signup already, and you’re still not getting it…? It may be that your mail filter thinks it’s spam. See the question above.

Q: My e-mail address changed when I moved/graduated/changed jobs. What do I do now?

A: First, sign up for Sheldon By E-mail under your new address. Then, please unsubscribe at your old e-mail address, as that will help us out tremendously. If for some reason you can’t access your old account, just pop us an e-mail so we can take your old address off the list.

Q: I get the e-mail, but the strip isn’t there! It’s blank! Why-oh-why must these technological woes afflict me so?

A: Some email programs (notably AOL and Hotmail) allow you to disable images. You’ll need to enable them in order to see the daily strip.

Still have questions/problems? Head to the Sheldon forums, and we’ll see if we can’t solve it together.