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Original Sheldon Art $25-off at SDCC!

A quick heads-up for Sheldonistas coming to San Diego Comic-Con: All Sheldon Original Art is $25-off at the show. Your favorite strip involving Lord of the Rings? Bam. 25 smackers off. How about the one onBluetooth headsets or Aquaman? Bam. $25 off.

All I ask is that you e-mail meto tell me which strips you’re interested in. Here’s why! Every year, people get to the show, and say “I’d like to get the strip about XYZ, please,” not realizing that there are 3,000 strips, and I couldn’t possibly bring them all. So please drop me a note. TRUST ME: You-from-four-days-from-now will be thanking the you-from-today. And me-from-today will be high-fivin’ a happy you-from-four-days-from-now.*

*Note: Both you-from-seven-days-from-now and me-from-seven-days-from-now will be sad, though, because SDCC will be over, and we’ll be back to our normal routine.