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Pics from the Book Party!

I really have to thank everyone who came out to the book party, last week: It was an amazing turnout. We had a full, full house of folks who came out from the LA area, Orange County, Santa Barbara and as far away as Arizona! It was so great to see so many friendly faces!

We officially released the
Coffee: It’s What’s for Dinner book and the Drive 2: The Emperor Calls book…and if you haven’t yet picked them up, please do so! I say this all the time, but if you like something you read for free online, SUPPORT IT! That’s the sure-fire way to make sure it never goes away. 🙂

The party was at the Crescent Hotel in Beverly Hills. While I did custom sketches for fans, the drinks were flowing and the party was pumping! We served some fabulous truffle cake bites called Nib Nobs as well as Peligroso Tequila Mango Margaitas and Steaz organic drinks. They were awesome, and made the night: I can’t thank our sponsors enough!

Below are some photos from the event. Check it out and keep your eyes peeled for the next party: We’d love to have you there. And again, huge thanks to everyone who came out and made it such a special night.