Do you enjoy reading in-depth articles about cartoonists that were originally written in other languages…and which were then put through Google’s Translation services? If so, head on over here for guaranteed good times.
Here’s two particularly fun machine translations to note from the article:
1.) “But life, just as the school’s cafeteria, do not always serve you the pattie requested.”
2.) “Like millions of other people, Gloria and Dave were able to sacrifice their childhood dreams on the altar of the mortgage account to the supermarket.”
Based on the fact that there are 45 comments below the article, I can only assume that it sounds better before the language algorithms went to work on it. Ahh, machine translation: You’re so close, and still so, so far. 🙂
[EDITED TO ADD: For those asking, here’s the English version of the strip they asked us to make to accompany the article.