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Set “Sale” for Awesomeness

(Alternate Bad Title: “Sale Into Adventure”)

Americans are grudgingly rollin’ back into the office today, so let’s turn to some good news with three sales on Sheldon stuff!

1.) Get Pure Ducky Goodness, the first Sheldon collection, for just $10! From now until December 31st, start your collection (or start a friend on their collection), and save 33% on the book!

2.) Free Book: Buy the first two Sheldon collections, and get the third one, free! Also good from now until December 31st.

3.) AND THE BEST DEAL OF ALL JUST GOT EXTENDED: For a 24-hour period today, all of the original art for strips will be $20-off their normal price, PLUS free shipping to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. But: This is only for 24 hours, Monday (Pacific Standard Time). And this time we mean it! *stamps foot*

To get your favorite strip: Use the site’s search function to type in your favorite punchline, keywords, characters, or strip. Then, once you’ve located it, click the blue “Buy Today’s Original Art” text under that comic.