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Sheldon Calendar Wallpapers

Lots of readers e-mail me asking for Sheldon wallpapers for their monitors. But because of all the different screen resolutions that are out there, it turns out to be quite a task…and I haven’t had the time to devote to it.

Until now! I’ve had a tiny breathing period between finishin’ up the third Sheldon book and startin’ the next super-secret Sheldon project…so I took the last two days to make some wallpapers in umpteen-thousand resolutions. Here they are, complete with 2007 calendars!

Both are available for a Paypal donation of any amount. Just click on this button to get both:

After donating, clicking the “Return to Merchant” button will take you to the page where you can download the wallpapers. It’s easy-peasy.

If you encounter any problems in the process, just e-mail me using the e-mail address you used with PayPal, and I’ll make it right.

(…and don’t sweat the donation, if it’s not possible. I’m just curious to see how this “tipping-via-Paypal” thing works. If you can’t swing it right now, just e-mail me and I’ll send the wallpapers for free.)