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Sheldon Nominated for an Eisner Award

It occurred to me that audiences of my two strips — Sheldon and Drive — are developing separate lives. So some of you may not have heard that Sheldon got nominated for an Eisner Award: Specifically, in the “Best Humor” category for my book “Literature: Unsuccessfully Competing Against TV Since 1953”. Aaaaand, in better news, I’m giving away free PDF copies of the book.

Here’s why: I may not be represented by a big ol’ publisher, and may not have a gigantor marketing budget, but I do have one thing: The work itself. This book is my best stuff, and I’m really proud of it. So I’m just gonna get out of the way and let the book do the talking for me.

Download your review copy (11.5 MB, PDF format) and take a look for yourself! And if you like it, please consider it for “Best Humor Publication.” Thanks!

Who is eligible to vote in the Eisner Awards?

-Comic book/graphic novel/webcomic creators (writers, artists, cartoonists, pencillers, inkers, letterers, colorists)
– All nominees in any category
– Comic book/graphic novel publishers and editors
– Comics historians and educators
– Graphic novel librarians
– Owners and managers of comic book specialty retail stores

Hosting for this PDF-book kindly provided by Sheldon reader and software artist Wil Shipley of “Delicious Library.” (…And to repay the kindness, check out Wil’s media cataloguing application, here!)