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Sheldon @ San Diego Comic-Con!

I’ve put together a one-page, printable “Guide to San Diego Comic-Con” for folks coming to the show. You can grab the full-size image by clicking HERE.

The guide lays out all the basics:

Where to go: Booth #1228

What you’ll find: All the Sheldon stuff, including two convention exclusives… 1.) Advance copies of “Living Dangerously With Saturated Fats” and 2.) A special print called “Anatomy of a Pug”. Here’s what it looks like:

(Click HERE for a larger version of the print.)

What talks I’m doing:Two of ’em, one Thursday, one Saturday.

What freebies we’ll have: As a special “thank you”, the first 100 Sheldon purchases come with a FREE “Dilly Duck” print. BAM. That’s how we roll.

What other freebies we’ll have: And, of course, I’ll be givin’ out free sketches and “2009 Commemorative San Diego Comic-Con High Fives”…both of which are pretty rad.

The One Thing You Need To Do: If you’re hoping to pick up Sheldon Original Art at the discounted convention rate of $25 off, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE e-mail me with the date or description of the strip you want. I can’t bring all 3,000 strips to the show, so I need to hear from you! Thanks!