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Sheldon Wallpapers (Updated)

A few quick things to note on the Sheldon Wallpapers:

1.) On request, I’ve added 1600 x 1200 to the list of available resolutions. So now, the full list includes…800×600,

…that should cover 99.9% of folks. But if you have a random, Bulgarian-made computer screen with a resolution not seen above — I’ll happily add that resolution to the list!

2.) Also, the dead link for 1920×1200 has been fixed. Sorry about that!

3.) Also, also: I’ve added the wallpapers to the Sheldon Store checkout process. So now, every Sheldon purchase also gets you these wallpapers as thanks! (Just click on “Return to Merchant” when you’re finished with your Paypal checkout).

4.) Also, also, also: you guys are rad. I put these up under a donation system of “any amount” — but “any” in my mind meant “small”. A few of you Europeans were far too giving. Which either means the dollar is trading favorably for you, or you’re entirely too generous. Thanks, in any case!

Didn’t get your wallpaper yet? Pick up yours by clicking here!