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Thankful Thanksgiving Thanks

‘Twas a good Thanksgiving at the Kellett house this year. We had our first Thanksgiving dinner in this house, and pulled it off rather nicely. Family, friends, and even a wayward Brit who had never been to an American Thanksgiving before.

Her best line of the night? “Well this is just like an English Sunday roast. Only with 85% more gluttony.”

(Speaking of England: I’m noticing, based on orders coming in for “The Good, The Bad & The Pugly”, that there are a ton (tonne) of English readers. Specifically, there are a ton (tonne) in Sussex. What’s going on in Sussex that Sheldon’s such a huge success there? And how do we get Essex in on the fun?)

Anyway, Thanksgiving was a wonderful extended weekend, and I am thoroughly stuffed with all the usuals, including jellied cranberry sauce. It’s an odd food, isn’t it? Never, ever in my life do I find myself going “MAN, I am ready to eat me some cranberry sauce.” Just never pops into my head. Never. But if I don’t have jellied cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving…Lord, there’s gonna be trouble.

…I wonder if the cranberry industry makes the majority of their sales this week?

– Dave

PS: One quick note: after one more test, Sheldon daily e-mail deliveries should be starting by Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted.