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The High Cost of Living in 1979

Have you ever read

strip from the Sheldon archives?

Sheldonista Nolan B. did, and he sent me this e-mail afterward:

Hey Dave! My name is Nolan and I’m a big fan.

I was looking through your archives and I noticed that Grandpa spent
$1,300 on a Microwave in 1979. Check out the information I got from

In 2002, $1,300.00 from 1973 is worth:
$5,261.42 using the Consumer Price Index,
$4,252.76 using the GDP deflator,
$5,559.30 using the value of consumer bundle,
$5,110.79 using the unskilled wage,
$7,232.43 using the nominal GDP per capita,
$9,843.41 using the relative share of GDP. [He spent] four to ten thousand dollars on a microwave!

Thing better have a rack…