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Upcoming Appearance Schedule

I’ll be heading to some really cool events in the near future, and wanted to remind you about them:

1.) MASSACHUSETTS: Webcomics Weekend is coming up in Easthampton, MA, March 20-22 — with the big “public” events on the 21st. I hope you’ll make it out if you’re in New England, as I so rarely get out that way. Webcomics Weekend is the single largest gathering of webcomics professionals I’ve ever seen — and that includes past San Diego Comic-Cons. If you read *any* webcomics, the list of official guests reads like a who’s-who. Don’t miss it!

2.) SEATTLE: Also! My favorite comics convention in the U.S. is coming up: Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon runs April 4th and 5th, and I’m excited to say I’ve been invited back as an official guest of the show. That means you’ll see Sheldon right as you walk in the main door! Seattle, you’ve never, ever disappointed me before — come on out for the show!

3.) SAN DIEGO: Later in the summer, I’ve got two San Diego-based events I’ll be heading down for: The always massive San Diego Comic-con (where we’ll be debuting the sixth Sheldon collection aaaand a little some special), and a National Cartoonist Society / Southern California Cartoonist Society talk that they’ve generously opened to the public. More on those two later.

Anyway! If you live in New England or Seattle, I EXPECT to be high-fivin’ you in the next few weeks. And if I’m not, then I’ll be calling your cell the next day to find out what happened. Neither one of us wants that call to happen…so come on out!