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Winsor McCay

If you’re not a cartooning buff, you may not have heard of early 20th-Century cartoonist Winsor McCay. But to every cartoonist from Charles Schulz to Walt Disney to yours truly, he’s held up as one of the true, pioneering greats of his (or any) time. His strips “Little Nemo” and “Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend” are among the most gorgeous, fantastical creations you’ll ever see. Spend 10 minutes with a Google Image search: You’ll see what I mean.

His hometown held a “Winsor McCay Day” yesterday…and in honor of that I thought I’d share another one of the hallmark works he was known for pioneering: Animation. (Each one of these 4,000+ panels, keep in mind, were drawn by him and hand-colored by him.)