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Yelp Ain’t Working

Do you remember, a few months back, when I asked Sheldonistas to give feedback on The Sheldon Store using
this Yelp link?

The idea was that it’d be far better for Sheldonistas to hear from one another about their experiences than it would be to hear it from me. And I still like that idea, I think it’s a useful one. But Yelp ain’t doing the job.

The Yelp site itself is more designed for local restaurants and stuff, not so much for the online world. Additionally, Yelp’s software algorithms have automatically deleted the posts from any kind Sheldonistas who added their review of the store …but who never posted anything else on their local restaurants. I can understand why Yelp’s software would do that…but it doesn’t help you or I if Sheldonistas don’t want to comment on their local Domino’s Pizza, as well as their Sheldon Store review. 🙂

But since I’d still like to do something like this, let me ask: Does anyone have an third-party review site they’d recommend for use with the Sheldon Store? If we can figure out a good one, we’ll move the “O-fficial Sheldon Store Reviews” over there.

Thanks, in advance, for any ideas!