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You’re coming to the Stripped Premiere, right?

You guys. YOU GUYS. The world premiere of Stripped is here! We’re giving out ten exclusive Watterson posters! And YOU’RE invited!

It’s been 4 years in production, 77 people interviewed, 300 hours of footage…all adding up to ONE AWESOME NIGHT.

We’re holding it at the world famous Cinerama Dome, with its 86-foot screen. We just test-screened it there this morning, and it looks AMAZING! We might never have a screening in as cool a location.

And check this out:
– The screening is followed by an audience Q&A with the directors, Matt Inman (The Oatmeal), Dan Piraro (Bizarro), Keith Knight (K Chronicles), and Cathy Guisewite (Cathy), AND
– We’re giving away *ten* of the amazing film posters Bill Watterson created for Stripped! They’ll be given to lucky audience members’ chosen from a big ol’ bowl, that night, live! Here’s the poster (pictured below): You gotta come!