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2009 Appearances

The invites and planning for 2009 appearances have started coming in, so I thought I’d share some of the Sheldon-related events for the coming year.

Katsucon has invited myself and the other Halfpixel cartoonists out for their Virginia show on Feb. 13-15. I’ve never done a “manga”-themed show before, so I’m really curious to see how it’s gonna go.

Emerald City Comicon, one of my favorite shows in all of North America, has invited the Halfpixel cartoonists back up to their (increasingly) big show, April 4-5 in Seattle. Please make plans to come if you’re in travel distance — it’s a great, great show.

Finally, I’ve gotten word that San Diego Comic-Con has assigned Halfpixel an infinitely better booth locale for that massive, massive show. Apparently we’re right across from Peanuts — which would make my 9-year old self pretty excited. My current self, too, truth be told.

Finally, I should mention that my wife and I have been invited down to perform at the South Beach Comedy Festival in Florida, Jan. 21-24. This isn’t Sheldon-related (though I’d love you to come out and see the show) — but I’m mentioning it early as I’d love to arrange a book-signing or a Sheldonista-focused coffee meet-up while I’m there. E-mail or post below with any suggestions to that end! Thanks!