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A Blizzard of Lizards

I’m such a sucker for fun news.

I wasn’t gonna share this for another week or so, but so many folks have been askin’ about it that I’m giving you a sneak peak: Ladies and gents, may I proudly present Sheldon Book Four, A Blizzard of Lizards!

I’m so excited for you guys to get your copy of the book. It really came out great. It has every strip since the last collection, plus a specially-formatted version of the Saturday-only Storyline “Good Luck, Baby Duck,” and extra content you won’t find online. (Want to see a bigger image? Click here. )

Sales for the book should be starting in 7-10 days, and will be shippin’ out in time for worldwide Christmas deliveries. I’m hoping a lot of these puppies will be discovered under the tree Christmas morning.

The one thing I always hear from Sheldonistas is “don’t leave any strips out” of the book collections. And to make sure we get ‘em all in there, we’ll be doing two books a year from now on: One in time for Christmas, and one around San Diego Comic-Con in mid-summer. Just like “A Blizzard of Lizards”, each book will have all the strips in high resolution (showing you the little details you can’t see online), plus book-only content you can’t find anywhere else.

“A Blizzard of Lizards” will be going on sale in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. And, as always, first crack on the Artist’s Editions will go to
newsletter subscribers!

(I just realized I wrote “two shakes of a lamb’s tail”. What a huge dork I am.)