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Tres Cosas

1.) THE BOOK: I have it on good authority that a big ol’ shipment of “A Blizzard of Lizards,” the new Sheldon book, is a mere day away! Shazam! Quicker than I expected!

So if you were hopin’ to snag one of those 250 Artist’s Editions, make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter, as those folks will be getting first crack at it! (Note: if you get Sheldon by e-mail, you get the newsletter automatically. No need to sign up again.)

2.) YOUTUBE: Do you remember
this strip, complaining that YouTube doesn’t have anything worthwhile on it? Sheldon reader TJ e-mailed me to share this video of a MIG-25 reaching the edge of space. The beginning is a little slow, but MAN…seeing that jet get to the edge of space is amazing. “The Soviet Union: We Might Not Have Been Able to Build a Car That Could Last Longer Than Two Years, But Our Aeronautics Were Pretty Dang Cool.”

3.) SHELDON MIIS FOR WII: Sheldonista Mike tells me that the Wii system has a new channel called “Check Mii Out”…and that he’s gone ahead and created some Sheldon-inspired Miis. I still don’t have a Wii (*sad*), and so haven’t seen them myself, but I encourage you to check ’em out:

0664-1252-2837 — Sheldon

7616-2906-4837 — Dante

5272-3914-9525 — Gramp

Thanks, Mike!