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A Huge Thank You!

I just wanted to say a huge, public THANK YOU to the 566 folks currently supporting Drive at Patreon.

I didn’t know if Patreon would work, when I first started it, but you 566 readers made it so that I could make more time for Drive in my career — and that is amazing! And now, the fact that we are only $15 away from getting TWO DRIVES A WEEK blows my mind. That was sort of a pie-in-the-sky goal when I first put it up there…BUT NOW WE’RE SO CLOSE.

…If you haven’t heard of Patreon: It’s kind of like Kickstarter. But where Kickstarter says “We need $5 for a one-time project,” Patreon says “No, this comic is a continuing series of art, and I will be a patron of the arts in tiny little installments along the way.” It’s an amazing idea!