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Angoulême Comics Festival

A quick note for Euro-Sheldonistas: I notice that France’s Angoulême Comics Fest is coming up at the end of January. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend attending. I once thougt that San Diego Comic-Con was the be-all, end-all when it came to comics, but Angoulême — and, I’ve since come to learn, Japan’s Comiket — are right up there.

I won’t be in Angoulême this year, much to my chagrin, but I highly recommend it to any and all that can make it. There’s a wonderful celebration of the art of “La bd” (“La bande dessinée “, the comic strip), at Angoulême. And if, like me, you’re used to cartoons and comics being looked at as “low art” or “something for kids,” Angoulême puts it in a whole new perspective. The festival is an amazing forum of comics, fans, signings, art shows, critical forums and in-depth presentations, and some of the most amazing comics collections you’ve never seen in the English-speaking world.

So if you can, check out Angoulême Comics Fest.