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Appearance Added: Savannah!

I am so excited to announce this: The Savannah College of Art & Design has invited my buddy Scott Kurtz and I down for an awesome engagement. On Monday, October 13th, we’ll be visiting various art classes to give spot lectures, critiques, and some hands-on instruction on the creation of sequential art and comics.

Then, on Tuesday, October 14th at 8 PM, we’ll be giving a free public talk at SCAD’s 1,100-seat Trustees Theater on the art and business of Webcomics (…and more broadly, how all visual artists can build their career online).

Seriously: You have got to look at this theater…..

…What an amazing venue! And Scotty and I are pretty fun public speakers, so it should make for a good night all around.

After the talk, we’ll of course be signing and sketching in copies of “How to Make Webcomics”, as well as PvP books and Sheldon books.

Come on out if you’re within drivin’ distance — I almost never get to go to the South, so I hope a lot of Southern Sheldonistas will come out and say “hi”!

(Scott put together that fantastic promo poster, featuring Savannah’s Forsythe Park Fountain. Check out a full-shot of his fantastic background drawing.)