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Artist Edition #1: “Living Dangerously”

I’ve started crack-a-lackin’ on drawing all 300 Artist Edition copies of “Living Dangerously (With Saturated Fats). They’ll all be going on sale in the second week of August. But! In the meantime, check out the artistic flourish that I ended up giving to the #1 book!

(…and here’s another little Arthur on the facing page…)

It came out so awesome that I want to separate it out from the rest of the bunch (where it would go out completely randomly to whoever hit the Paypal button the fastest). So! For the true Uber-Sheldonista out there who wants the best of the Artist Editions, here’s your chance to have it on your bookshelf! Shipping for this book is FREE in the U.S., and we’ll start the ball rolling at 1 penny for it….’cause I’d rather let you guys decide what it’s worth.

(Click here for a larger image.)