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Artist Edition #300 Up For Grabs!

We’re coming up on the last of the Artist Editions for “Living Dangerously (with Saturated Fats)”, and I wanted to say two quick things about that.

One, I want to thank everyone who’s supported Sheldon by picking up the new book. All the Sheldon archives, RSS feeds, daily e-mail deliveries are free…and the one thing that keeps all that going is your support when you pick up a book. So thank you for that! Especially now, when times are tight all over the world…you have no idea what that support means to one lil’ cartoonist.

Two, I wanted to remind you that whoever’s lucky enough to order the LAST Artist Edition will get this special drawing inside their book, featuring the whole cast:

(Click HERE for a larger pic.)

Like all the Artist Edition books, it’s drawn in archival, lightfast ink…so it’ll last and last.

There are three ways to grab an Artist Edition of the book:

1.) If you’ve already started your collection, you can grab just the book.

2.) If you want to pick up all six Sheldon collections, including this Artist Edition, you can do that, too!

3.) And if you want all 6 collections, including this Artist Edition, plus the pug collection, that’s found here.

Thank you, everyone! You guys keep Sheldon going!