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Emerald City Comic-Con!

I am really excited to be travelling up to Seattle this weekend for Emerald City Comic-Con.

I’ve already had a dozen or so folks drop me a line to say they’re coming out specifically to say hi, which is great. Were you among them? If so, we are now bestest of friends.

This convention looks like it’s going to be pretty awesome. Webcomics in the house include Sheldon, PvP, Penny Arcade, Starslip, Schlock Mercenary, Real Life, Unshelved and Evil Inc.

I’ll be in booth #306 with the Blank Label Comics guys…signing stuff, selling books and originals, and generally being Mr. Funtime Goodlaughs. [Important note, though: I’ll only be there Saturday, so make sure you come out then.]

To offer extra enticement, Sheldon original comic strips will be on sale for $25 off. So if you were thinking about getting one — now’s you’re chance. (Have a specific one you want? I’d strongly recommend
you e-mail me
to make sure I bring that one with me.)

See you at Emerald City Comic-Con!