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Guys, I Need Your Help With Something Extraordinary

I have a secret.

For the last two years, I’ve been working on an incredible, feature-length documentary on cartooning. And guys… I need your help to finish it.

Working with my good friend, twice-Sundance-nominated film-maker Fred Schroeder, we’ve been flying around the US and Canada in a two-year labor of love, interviewing 60 cartoonists in their studios. We’ve sat down with creators to talk about how cartooning works, why it’s so loved, and how they’re navigating the painful decline of print, and the painful rise of digital. It’s our love-letter to the art form, but also an in-depth discussion of how artists — all artists — are practicing their art in an age where everything is changing.

The list of cartoonists is incredible: Everyone from Jim Davis (Garfield) to Kate Beaton (Hark, A Vagrant!) to Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics). They’ve shared amazing stories and insights, and paint a personal portrait of comics like you’ve never seen before. And set to an original score being written by Stefan Lessard of “Dave Matthews Band,” this is going to be a really special film. We can not wait for you to see it.

But we need your help to make it happen.

The editors, animators, and musicians are all discounting their rates to help us complete it, but it’s still an expensive process. Lordy, you wouldn’t believe how expensive it all is. But with your help, this really special film can be a reality.

Have a look at the film trailer, and if you like it, please consider supporting the project. If Sheldon readers all donated just one dollar, we’d have more than enough to complete the film. See, donations will go through Kickstarter, a “distributed fundraising” site, and you can contribute as little or as much as you like. And the best part is, at different levels, you get really cool gifts when you support the project: Everything from DVDs of the film, to signed books, to Sheldon original art, and more. A good example: A donation of $25 will get you the DVD of the film (includes free shipping)…the same price it’ll cost when the film is done!

I’ve never had a project that was so huge in scope or ambition, nor one that I was prouder of. I know you guys are gonna love it: Please, please help me bring it to life!

Thank you for spreading the word, and for your direct support of the project. It means the world to me!

– Dave