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Late Notice! Society of Illustrators Talk on Sat, July 19th

My apologies for the late notice: Amid the run-up to Comic-Con, it slipped my mind to blog about this…..

Tomorrow! Saturday! From 2-4 PM, at the very fancy Brand Art Library in Glendale, I’ll be giving a long ol’ talk to the Society of Illustrators about Webcomics and the future of cartooning.

The society has very kindly answered my request to open the talk to the public, so you’re welcome to come! Admission is $10 for non-Society of Illustrators members, or $5 for students. Please *do* come, if you’re within driving distance… as it would be fun to have some Sheldonistas in the house.

Brand Library Studios

1601 West Mountain Street

Glendale, California 91201-1200