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New Book in the Store!

Hot off the presses, the new Sheldon book collection is available now!

I’ll be honest and say this one might be my favorite, for the cover alone. This collection features storylines like: Flaco’s Olympic trip, Dante’s art competition, the great Hawaiian vacation, and the adventures of Sir Biggles Chiggles. There’s even bonus content you can’t see online, including ridiculous knightly poems, Arthur’s “activity pages,” and more. Here’s a sample:

I really think you guys are gonna enjoy it. A lot of love when into this baby.

Along those lines: I and my family want to thank every last one of you who orders the books, as they are a huge part of how Sheldon keeps going. As you know, we give the strip away every day for free on the site, RSS, and in daily e-mails. So when you treat yourself to a book, you’re not only getting a cool collection, you’re directly supporting *new* Sheldon strips being created tomorrow. So thank you!